Speaking Endorsements

Jay has a very special ministry to men. He has been to our church to meet with our men and God used him to strengthen the church. Without a doubt he is a “giver” and not a “taker”! If you have the opportunity to have him in your church, or at a church nearby, please use it to strengthen your men.
Waylen Bray, Pastor – Stamford Baptist Church, Stamford, New York

Jay Cookingham is, above all else, real. I’ve heard Jay speak both in person and on the radio. Regardless of setting, Jay’s words are characterized by a passionate love of God and God’s people. In a world where there is often a difference between what one says and what one does, Jay’s life harmonizes these two sides of the coin of genuine faith. From a life fashioned by the redemptive love of Jesus Christ, Jay offers his listeners encouragement and hope through a living testimony to the Spirit’s transforming power. Michael Kimball, Author and Life Coach

Brother Jay’s testimony and teaching at our last men’s retreat set the tone for seeking a deeper relationship with our Heavenly Father. His deep love for Jesus and his Christian Brothers is inspiring and contagious! Thank you Jay for you faithfulness to God’s word and his people!
Paul Steier, City Municipal Worker

Pastor Jay (Strategic Fathering Ministries) is a genuine man of God who is passionate to see Jesus thrive in the lives of others. He is a role model for young men and a recognized community leader committed to racial reconciliation, kingdom building and just being a good friend.
Duane Brown Organizational Leadership and Culinary Coach

Jay Cookingham is an excellent communicator and a gifted teacher. He is truly a faithful servant of our living God and his Pastor’s heart is evident as he shares his powerful testimony of faith.
Alan Freestone Discipleship Director – Grace Fellowship – Saratoga