
Hello Everybody! As many of you know I have been a presenter at Iron Sharpens Iron events around the country. I am been honored to speak at these events and have found them to be huge in touching/encouraging/impacting the lives of men. I see myself as a missionary when I go on these events and feel blessed to represent Bridge Builders Community Church (the church I serve as pastor) as well as Strategic Fathering Ministries when I go.

As one of the presenters I have to pay my own costs to go (this keeps the cost of the event low so more men can attend), in the past this included flights, hotels and meals. Part of the cost is also the printed materials that I give away during my sessions, which I am thrilled to do.

What I’m asking (and this is hard for me) is if you would consider partnering with me and help with some of the cost involved. I am trying to raise support for the conferences in I speak at and would appreciate any help you may be able to give.

Of course, prayer support is huge… many men come broken, hurting without hope, and to see God minister healing to them is amazing. Many prayers are needed for that work to be done and for me to be a vessel in that process.

I cannot thank you enough for all the support and love I receive from all of you.
God Bless,Jay

You can also use PayPal to help by using this link!