Ask Jay to Speak

I think this is where I’m supposed to wow you with all kinds of reasons why you should have me come and speak to your men’s group/event. I could throw in words like “dynamic” “anointed” and “gifted” in every other sentence and by the third paragraph you’ll be begging me to come…well, maybe not.
It’s not my job to wow you, God the Father alone has true wow power, and I think it’s a good idea to leave that arena to Him. I can honestly promise you that I will not be the most gifted, anointed or dynamic speaker you will ever hear (although, I won’t mind if you think so).
Here’s what I’ll bring to the table. I’ll be totally honest with you… about my struggles and victories on my journey with Christ. I can’t (and won’t try) to give you all the answers but I will unashamedly point to the one who does… our Heavenly Father.